Friday, May 13, 2011

summer words

the words that come to mind when i think about summer....

fire works
holiday world
flip flops
slip and slides
ice cream man
out doors
palm trees
bathing suites
roller coasters
tanning lotion
bon fires
family reunions
no school
bug spray
fire flies
clear stary nights
sleeping in
yard sales
out side games
church camp
car wash

............................. and so many more hahah

PRoM NiGHT of 2011

Prom night of 2011 was really amazing. Even though it took for ever to do hair which took an hour and a half, then make up took two hours, then finding what flowers would go with my dress because its purple but in pictures it looks like a deep blue. I really enjoyed going out to eat with our friends, having family and friends come to take pictures, and seeing everyone all dressed up, which they all looked great! My date, Nathan Morris really isn't much of a dancer but we had a couple of slow dances in and one silly dance ( he tried his best) lol. We took lots and lots of silly and cute pictures! My cheeks hurt from all the smiling, but it was worth it.  The night was beautiful. I wouldn't change anything about it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


To be honest i think that the AC ruined people today by making them lazy and staying in the house and not going out side doing things and getting that blood flowing. But i think that back in the day when AC wasn't invented, i think that they did things that cooled themselves off like playing in the river or just didn't care and did what ever they wanted too... or ran around naked haha

No! no! No!

How many times can you say no with out saying no..?
-I will not go out with you
-Never in a million years
-Im not feeling like it
-I just cant
-maybe another day
-Never in my life
-another day
-maybe later
-not right now
-never in my life
- when the pigs fly

Being on the internet

The only time when i get on the internet is when i have to school some school work, im bored, or if i want to check my FACEBOOK because thats what everyone does haha.

summer as a child

My favorite summer memories was when i went to church camp, all the kids slept in dorms in bunkbeds. Well it was bed time and i stayes up always eating candy talking to my other friend that slept at the bottome bunk too. This one girl slept above me and she was a little big so the bed dipped, and on night i was up eating my candy, talking to my friend, the girl above me rolled to one side to where her arm was hanging down right beside me. Because these beds went all that big. All of a sudden she starts mumbling and moving her hand. Before i knew it, it seemed like she was trying to grab me, and saying "come here hunk a hunk a man....mmmhumm juicy cheese buger mmmhumm,..." and i was trying so hard not to bust out laughing and moving out of the way. I guess i was laughing loud and my counciler came and told my friend and I to sleep in another bed because the girl above me tried to grab her too.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


During summer what i smell is water from going swimming to keep cool from the hot summer, along with the tanning and sun screen lotion to protect themselves or burn themselves. The BBQ smell flowing through the wind of everyone cooking out on a beautiful day bringing everyone together. At night smelling the camp fire and the roasting of s mores.
Seeing all the kids running around playing in the yard, pools and parks laughing and having funn. All the beautiful flowers that has bloomed with the birds and all the insects like the bees and butterflies flying around. Seeing all the stars in the dark sky with bomb fires or camp fires going. And poeple catching fish.
Hearing everyone laughing and having a good time. Listen to the rain when the earth gets to hot. And the wind blowing across the waves of the ocean. Hearing the splashes that children make in the water. Dogs barking as they chase everything in sight. And hearing all the night crawlers singing.
Tasting all the foods that people make (8

Monday, May 2, 2011

the unforgettable ...

In the year 2010-11 my unforgettable event that happened to me was....

Was on January 2nd, my family and i moved to Katy, Texas! To love with my Aunt and Uncle. We moved there because my parents thought it would be better for us to get to know our family that we didnt know and money wise. I really did not want to go because it was almost the end of my Junoir year and fixing to be my senior year. i was leaving all my friends, my boyfriend and OWENSBORO! Yeah poeple say its just ol' Owensboro but once you leave you get home sick and evetually youll come back. Im not saying that i didnt have fun and didnt make good memories because i did but this was my home first. Im really glad that we came back because i grew up here and our reall family is here!