Monday, May 2, 2011

the unforgettable ...

In the year 2010-11 my unforgettable event that happened to me was....

Was on January 2nd, my family and i moved to Katy, Texas! To love with my Aunt and Uncle. We moved there because my parents thought it would be better for us to get to know our family that we didnt know and money wise. I really did not want to go because it was almost the end of my Junoir year and fixing to be my senior year. i was leaving all my friends, my boyfriend and OWENSBORO! Yeah poeple say its just ol' Owensboro but once you leave you get home sick and evetually youll come back. Im not saying that i didnt have fun and didnt make good memories because i did but this was my home first. Im really glad that we came back because i grew up here and our reall family is here! 

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