Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The song that i last listened  to was  " The Words I Would Say"song by the SidewalkProphets.
I love listening to this song because of these lyrics...

I’d tell you just what you mean to me
Tell you these simple truths

Be strong in the Lord
And never give up hope
You’re gonna do great things
I already know
God’s got His hand on You
So don’t live life in fear

And that pretty much explains it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

oh boy...

Everyone gets stressed out here and there and maybe over the littlest things. But what i do when i get stressed is i either listen to music, go for a walk or drive, or i will write how i feel to get it out. If i have music then i can focus on whats playing to take my mind off the world and whats going on to relieve myself to calm down. I also go for a run or a drive that way i can just get away by myself having no one around me until i realized whats going on and how to make things better. or if for some reason i cant go anywhere or have music i write it down that way i can get it down or get it out. But if I'm really stressed, i just don't want to talk to anyone and i just hold it in. Which is not a good thing. But everyone is different.

oh weather....

Oh weather.... why do you keep changing to really nice weather to really cold weather.
I get cold really easy and i don't like to wear layers upon layers. Make up you mind.. let the sun come out!! I'm ready to go swimming, wear shorts, cute shirts and some flip flops (8

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Waking up early in the morning is not my kind of thing. Yeah it makes the day longer and more enjoyable to do more things but i think that we need more hours in the day. I don't know maybe I'm just lazy ha ha but who doesn't like to have that couple more hours of sleep before going into work or maybe school. Everyone, or some people have to work all night and not get much sleep during the day. That way instead of waking up all tired and not ready to start out your day, you can have those couple more hours to finish your dreams and get your beauty sleep.

Monday, March 21, 2011


What i do with all my writings is i keep them in a journal. I feel like its important to me because it has all my memories and experience that has happened. but people say that you should leave it in the past and which is right but i like to look at back at it and see how Ive changed since then and what i need to do to help me. Then after Ive done all my goals that i needed to succeed then i throw it away.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I want a break...!!!!

A break from everything is relaxing. What i think is really relaxing is just sitting out side with the warm sun above you and the wind just barely blowing. Listening to everything around how its not so quiet. But listening to the birds sing or chirp. listen to the wind blow around the leaves across and through the air. Or hear people laughing and just having a wonderful day. Nothing at all but nature making its sound to let the people know how beautiful it is. Or if its raining i love to be out side listening to it rain, the smell as it hits the ground. and watching as goes in which ever direction. And if its night i absolutely love looking at the stars. Looking at all the consolations they form and just making my own up as if they once was a story in the past. watching as the sun sets and it makes the clouds turn into amazing colors and the cloud form into a verity of shapes.So as you can tell i love to be outside away from everything with no worries and no thoughts about what anything. Just me, myself, and i along with nature. (8

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

911 .... EMERGENCY

If there was ever an emergency I would call my mom. Then i would call the police because I would scared out of my mind. I called her when I first got pulled over. So she could help me calm down. I cried after but that's okay. She was there walking me through it. Its embarrassing but everyone gets scared.