Thursday, March 17, 2011

I want a break...!!!!

A break from everything is relaxing. What i think is really relaxing is just sitting out side with the warm sun above you and the wind just barely blowing. Listening to everything around how its not so quiet. But listening to the birds sing or chirp. listen to the wind blow around the leaves across and through the air. Or hear people laughing and just having a wonderful day. Nothing at all but nature making its sound to let the people know how beautiful it is. Or if its raining i love to be out side listening to it rain, the smell as it hits the ground. and watching as goes in which ever direction. And if its night i absolutely love looking at the stars. Looking at all the consolations they form and just making my own up as if they once was a story in the past. watching as the sun sets and it makes the clouds turn into amazing colors and the cloud form into a verity of shapes.So as you can tell i love to be outside away from everything with no worries and no thoughts about what anything. Just me, myself, and i along with nature. (8

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