Monday, January 10, 2011


"The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months! "
                                                                              -Edward Payson Powell
        Now that the old year had past and the new has started its a really big year because this is my senior year in high school. I have to looked forward on making decision on where I'm going to go to college and making a difference in the world, what i want to do in making a difference, moving into an apartment, getting my own car insurance into my name and finding my own doctor. All of making new decisions and making the right ones. Its going to be hard and going to be an new chapter in my life but i want to make it the most of it and being able to do what i like to do to get a break so that it wouldn't get to me.  

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