"Tenants of vorteous abodes, oght not to hurl lithoidal fragments."

I think when a person only sees the bad or the wrong in others that, that person is a negative person and doesn't really like to be around people. Or they had a bad past and just because of what had happened to them they lost their trust in everyone they meet. I have been the recipient of hurled stones. i was called lots of names when i was little and i really didn't know why. It was the same guy everyday that would sit in the lunch room and just make up the craziest things about others including me. He really didn't have much friends and i understood why. But i don't know why and what he had been through. I have thrown or been mean to others. Even when i didn't know them it was the appearance or what others have said about them that made me believe that bad stuff about that person. So i repeated what others have said about that person just like all the other immature kids did. Later i soon realized that person was the totally opposite than what i thought they were. I told them that i was sorry for everything that I've said and they forgave me. Then we soon came friends. Ive learned that you really shouldnt jugde people on what youve heard. You should get to know them.
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