Thursday, September 16, 2010

" one who goes back to his home, does not consider the night too dark, he knows his way"

"Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to"

Oh home sweet home. Home means to me is a special place that you have grown up in and have all kinds of memories. A place where you can always know you are always welcomed to with loving and care. A place to sleep in and be safe, coming home with the most mouth watering smell that  your mom or someone has cooked for you so you can get your belly full, have a roof over head so it wont get rained or stormed on, having a family that cares for you and prepares you for the future when you are living on your own. But always know when you are grown and moved out that you can always come back.
I would say I'm not really ready to move out because I'm still in school and still trying to figure out what i want to do with my life. But i think when the time comes ill be ready because Ive been taught what to do in any situation. What makes my house spacial to me is knowing that i have a place to sleep and be safe, a place to eat, have laughs and a fun times to make memories before I'm out on my own. i really appreciate my parents and Nana that is still teaching me and preparing me so when i do get out on my own ill be ready. 

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